Simple and Healthy Vegetable Wrap

It has been a long time again since I wrote something here. Many things happened and still happening. I decided to start a healthier diet many years ago but it is hard thing to do. But now I've got a stronger reason to continue my endeavors in following and practicing healthier diet and lifestyle. 

I started with exercising for around 30 minutes everyday or at least 3 times a week. But I am thinking to strengthen my body first before involving myself in doing exercises. So I decided to change my diet first. 

I decided to eat healthier food and drink. I tried and I found that my body feel better. Eating fresh vegetables, fruit and enough water may help in improving our health. 

Following healthier diet doesn't mean we have to suddenly change all our everyday menu. Maybe we can start by adjusting the ratio of ingredients used in our cooking, such as increasing the amount of vegetables. We also can choose to change only 1 menu in a day such as breakfast menu or dinner menu. That is what I think. 

So I decided to gather these healthy menus or recipes of mine here, to archive it here and to share with my dear readers. It may be simple, maybe you already know these recipes but it is okay. 

So today I made this simple breakfast for me and forgot to snap photo, but if next time I make it I will add the photo here. 

Vegetable wrap with crepe

For 1 serving, takes  around 15 minutes to prepare. 

  • 3/4 cup of flour of choice
  • A pinch of salt
  • Water
  • Lettuce (fresh and crunchy)
  • Cherry tomatoes (ripe and sweet)
  • Mayonnaise 

  • Mix flour, salt and some water until it reach crepe consistency, or pancake consistency. 
  • Heat the pan and pour the mixture onto it. Apply some oil on the pan surface if you afraid the crepe will stick to the pan. Make it as thin as possible, and round in shape.
  • Cook until both sides look a bit crispy.
  • Take the crepe to a plate and let cool for a while. Put lettuce on a side, followed by mayonnaise and lastly cherry tomatoes. 
  • Wrap it. And eat it. 

I love the soft but crispy crepe and crunchiness of the fresh lettuce and also the sweetness of the tomato. It is simple but delicious. 😊



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